Gemstone Globes
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Some of these prices are way less than I was paying for them last year!!

We take pride in selling the finest line of jeweler quality semi-precious gemstone globes and accessories in the world. They are crafted from the finest materials available, especially for the jewelry industry! These globes occupy the offices of the current and former President of the United States, ambassadors, statesmen, and royalty. Our globes are chosen above all others simply because we offer unparalleled craftsmanship and uncompromising quality and we're proud of this year's selection of beautiful gemstone and crystal globes, gifts, and accessories.
Scroll down to view the products in this section.

The lapidary who makes these for me brought in some new technicians and by using new laser technology they can cut the gemstones cleanly and quickly. Hence, you are buying these products for considerably less than they cost us a year ago. It used to be only the Jews would know how to cut prices, now we have to contend with the Asians too. Well, if we can't beat 'em, we'll join 'em.

Throughout the ages, men of importance and means have always had a fine globe or clock in their library, study, or office. You'll never get the kind of impact that one of these gifts will give you by giving anything else. Some of the larger globes sell for as much as $6,000.

All you have to do is send us a check and your Christmas list. For your convenience, we can ship the globe directly to whoever you deem to be the recipient. This holiday season, if you're a past client, shipping is free on orders over $300. We'll even enclose a card if you tell us what to say. Sorry, gift-wrapping is not available. Also, you don't have to buy these as just gifts; you can buy one for yourself.

Don't pass this opportunity by. We're just not greedy down here. When we get a buy, we want to pass it on. That philosophy has made us wealthy. I often wonder why people don't copy me. They just can't face losing highly marked-up profits. It all comes back - it just takes a while.

Please click on the thumbnail images below for an enlarged picture, full description, & pricing. When you're ready to order, click the ordering icon.

Item No. Click Image Description Retail Price Our Price  
CT9552 Alexander Kalifano Tabletop & Desk Gemstone Globe Stand with 4-Time Zone Clock  
CT16432 Rare Handmade Semi-Precious Lapis Stone Globe PRICE REDUCTION $2,350.00 $990.00
CT16722 Powdered Mother-of-Pearl Gemstone Globe on 3 Leg Brass Stand with Compass $260.00 $130.00
JW7847 1 Inch Globe Wine Bottle Stopper Set in Rosewood Case $75.00 $58.50
JW7840 Executive Writing Pen $75.00 $55.00
JW7809 4" Crystal Globe with Continent Etching on Crystal Pedestal $150.00 $75.00
JW7817 6 Inch (150mm) Lapis Globe on 3 Column Mahogany Stand with Clock $200.00 $140.00
JW7829 2 Inch (60mm) Crystal Globe in Dual Desk or Wall Plaque with Clock, Thermometer, and Hygrometer $110.00 $75.00
JW7828 Gemstone Globe Mounted on 3 Leg Table-Top Stand with Compass  
JW7825 Quartz Movement Clock and Compass in Hinged Mahogany Box $50.00 $35.00
CT16437 13" Lapis Gemstone Globe on 3 Leg Brass Stand with Compass $580.00 $290.00
CT16421 13" Lapis Gemstone Globe on 3 Curved Leg Brass Stand with Compass $900.00 $450.00
CT16436 9" Lapis Gemstone Globe on 3 Leg Brass Stand with Compass $396.00 $198.00
CT16435 6" Lapis Gemstone Globe on 3 Leg Brass Stand with Compass $260.00 $130.00
CT16431 13" Powder Mother-of-Pearl Gemstone Globe on 3 Leg Brass Triangular Stand with Compass $1,180.00 $590.00
CT16430 6" Onyx Gemstone Globe on 3 Leg Brass Stand with Compass $260.00 $130.00
CT16429 9" Onyx Gemstone Globe on Brass & Stone Stand with Added Wooden Base $396.00 $198.00
CT16428 13" Powder Mother-of-Pearl Gemstone Globe on 3 Leg Brass Stand with Compass $636.00 $318.00
CT16427 9" Powder Mother-of-Pearl Gemstone Globe on 3 Leg Brass Stand with Compass $440.00 $220.00
CT16426 9" Amethyst Gemstone Globe on 3 Leg Pewter Trimline Stand $476.00 $238.00
CT16425 13" Lapis Gemstone Globe on 3 Leg Pewter Stand with Compass $990.00 $490.00
CT16424 9" Onyx Gemstone Globe on 3 Leg Pewter Stand with Compass $590.00 $270.00
CT16423 9" Lapis Gemstone Globe on 3 Leg Brass Trimline Stand $690.00 $375.00

  Items 1–23 of 23

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